Right from the start of the church we have seen the Lord provide for all our financial needs. You’ve probably already noticed that we don’t have a collection every Sunday or at any of our meetings. Although we believe that giving is a very important matter and another way in which to worship, we don’t want to embarrass anyone. We also have felt that having a weekly collection sends out the wrong message that The Lord might be a bit short of money when in fact “The cattle on a thousand hills are his”. The Lord is not short of money, he lends to people to see what they will do with it…..
Giving away
We give away 30% of the income – 10 % to the global poor, 10% to our brothers and sisters in the suffering church worldwide and 10% to local projects, mainly for the poor. In church people often talk about a tithe, which is normally thought of as 10% of gross annual income, which is given for the support of the church. Our understanding of scripture is that a tithe represents money that is given in full to your church and that offerings are any other giving on top of the tithe. See 2 Corinthians 9:6-11
If you are not used to giving or tithing, but would like to start we have a number of people who can encourage you and help get you started. Connect church is self-funding, in that the members give to support the work of the church and costs around £120,000 a year to run. The best way to give is via a regular Standing Order. This helps us budget and plan ahead.
Bank Details
Our bank details are: Connect Church Chorleywood, The Co-operative Bank, Sort Code: 08-92-99, Account No: 6548 0047. If you are a UK tax payer we can claim an additional £2.50 for every £10 when you give under the Gift Aid scheme.
Connect church is a charitable company Registered Charity Number 1139388